Certified Azure Red Team Professional (CARTP) review

Introduction Certified Azure Red Team Professional (CARTP) is Altered Security’s offering for aspiring red teamers in the Azure environment. With no need for prior subject wisdom, it offers an overview of tactics techniques and procedures used within the Microsoft cloud. In this review I’ll share, based on my experience, the pros and cons of certification, along with some tips and tricks discovered during the course. Course the topics covered are many, from Azure Active Directory to the most common Azure resources used in enterprise environments....

November 25, 2024 · 4 min · Me

DIY Rubber Ducky clone with a DigiSpark ATTiny85, 2K24 revamp

DigiSpark ATTiny85 is a compact AVR-based architecture micro-controller, available for a few bucks on Amazon, which can be programmed to simulate an input device, such as a keyboard, making an interesting alternative to Hak5’s rubber ducky. Unfortunately, the board’s vendor discontinued support a few years ago and the official site hosting the configuration package is still offline, making the manual installation the only way to setup the board. Over the years some projects, such as Spence Konde’s ATTinyCore, tried to fill the void but installation of additional libraries is still required....

April 13, 2024 · 3 min · Me